5 Best HTC Vive Games

While the debate continues about whether HTC Vive or Oculus Rift is the superior virtual reality system, there’s no denying that the Vive has an amazing collection of games already available.

With a whopping 100 titles expected to be available by the end of 2016, these are just a sample of the best that were launched with the system. As the popularity of virtual reality continues to grow, gamers can be expected to be continually treated to some amazing advancements that will transform playing like never before.

1. Selfie Tennis

If you’re looking for a way to get fit as you game, Selfie Tennis can help you out. Although not designed to be a fitness program, this fun game will have you swapping from one side of the court to the other as you battle yourself in a game of tennis.

Selfie Tennis Court

Rather than point scoring against an opponent, the aim of this game is to keep the ball in the air without dropping it, which can provide a lot more fun than it might sound. After having a go of Selfie Tennis, you’ll never want to look at your Wii ever again.

2. Fantastic Contraption

Originally a building game from 2008, Fantastic Contraption has been adapted now to a virtual reality title. Taking advantage of the room-scale technology that Vive is known for, this engineering game has the player building out-there designs to try and solve puzzles in a virtual world.

Fantastic Contraption Logo

You’re able to experience virtual reality as it was intended with this game, as you build the machines from scratch using a range of motions and materials. Building the vehicles is only half the battle, though, as you’ll then need to move them around to complete the task. This game can entertain for hours and it’s full of fun little bonuses too.

3. Vanishing Realms

As this is still a Steam Early Access game, it’s a little on the short side. However, the action within is enough to make up for it. Vanishing Realms sees the player battling skeletons and taking names as they fully control the main character with their own movements.

Vanishing Realms Character Design

You can swing swords and other objects in Vanishing Realms, as well as teleport yourself around the game. This not only makes great use of your physical space but also lets you experience these worlds on a larger scale. Adventure games are looking to make a huge comeback with the world of virtual reality, by letting players explore these worlds like never before.

4. Hover Junkers

This multiplayer first-player shooter is the type of experience that gamers used to only dream about, as you’re able to control the entire virtual world within this title. With so many actions required in the game such as crouching, shooting, jumping, and walking, you can fully immerse yourself into Hover Junkers.

HoverJunkers Start Menu

As you pilot your own hovercraft around this virtual world, the experience will amaze you. This game is just the beginning of what VR can do for first-player shooters such as this as it even lets you verse others from around the world.

5. The Lab

This is the only self-made Valve title that was available at the Vive launch, and it’s a great way to showcase everything that virtual reality gaming is about. The Lab features a series of mini-games that allow users to teleport, experience room-scale VR, and use tracked controllers.

The Lab Design

While there are only 8 small games in this title, it’s completely free to download. The Lab is the best way to show off your virtual reality device to friends and family that lets them experience all of the best parts of this exciting technology.

The Verdict

Depending on your gaming style, there’s something to suit any type of player with the HTC Vive. Whether you’re into skill, adventure, or family fun, these initial titles can entice the gamer in everyone.

As expected, virtual reality has already begun changing the world of gaming and how players experience the game. Although still in their initial stages, these first titles still show huge promise and incredible technology that lets players become immersed completely in their virtual worlds.

While it may not have as many games available as the Rift, the quality of games available with Vive is undeniable. As updates are made daily and new episodes are released, the virtual reality gaming world is expected to blow up, and Vive along with it.